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Legislative Report

April 2023



Our former President, Donald Trump, and leading contender (by far) to Joe Biden in 2024, is under indictment. Sadly, the democrats have more indictments planned as they weaponize the department of justice to go after political opponents. If you are questioning whether in fact we are operating under a one-sided justice system, please have a look at Victor Davis Hansen’s article on the democrats’ REAL crimes.


Previously we had reported that many in San Diego County would be automatically transferred from SDG&E to a Community Power System if they did not “opt out.”  The CCA purports greater access to renewable energy and lower costs. For a greater in-depth analysis (and a look at reality),


Now that Newsom has ruined California (and is continuing to do so), he has formed a Pac to ruin Republican States as well. His new Pac has the (misleading) name of Campaign For Democracy. Newsom says that “Across the country, extremist Republicans are systematically attacking the very foundations of a free society -bullying and criminalizing the most vulnerable, denying women equality and reproductive healthcare, attacking communities of color, dehumanizing immigrants seeking the American Dream, banning books and restricting speech and undermining the basic tenet of our democracy, the right to vote.”  For more of this absurdity, you can visit his new Pac website




AB659 Cancer Prevention Act was amended on March 21 to remove the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine mandate, which would have required the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) for all students in Grades 8-12. While this is a huge victory for school-aged children, our work is not done! We must continue to contact our California legislature and the “Health Committee” of the dangerous side-effects of the HPV “Vaccine”. This bill now seeks to mandate HPV vaccine for college students to attend state universities and community colleges in California and would require a coercive “notification” be sent to 6th grade students and their parents containing a statement…that it is public policy of the state that pupils are expected to be fully immunized against HPV before admission or advancement to the 8th grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school. 


SB 673 Emergency Notification: Ebony Alert: Missing Black Youth. This bill would create a system akin to the Amber and Silver Alerts, specifically to address Black youth and women that go missing. For NPR’s take on this bill, you can read more at


AB665 Minors: Consent to Mental Health Care. The bill states that a minor who is 12 years of age or older may consent to mental health treatment or counseling on an outpatient basis, or to residential shelter services if the minor, in the opinion of the attending professional person, is mature enough to participate intelligently in the outpatient services or residential shelter services. Parents no longer need to provide any consent (or be made aware) if the “professional counselor” does not think it is in the child’s best interest. California wants to be on the fast-track to “gender affirming care” without parental consent for children. Our representative, Maienschein, is a big proponent of this legislation and head of the Judiciary Committee. It appears this passed the Assembly and headed to passage in the Senate.


SB 2 Firearms: This bill places more restrictions on carry and conceal licenses with a good deal of subjective criteria imposed as well as a substantial amount of personal information collected by the state. 


SB838 Victim Compensation: use of force by a law enforcement officer. 

Existing law requires that a person be ineligible for compensation under specified conditions, including, among other things, if the board determines that denial of the claim for compensation is appropriate because of the nature of the victim’s involvement in the events leading to the crime or the involvement of the person whose injury or death gives rise to the application. Existing law requires the board to deny an application if it finds that the victim failed to cooperate reasonably with a law enforcement agency in the apprehension and conviction of the person committing the crime. This bill, in the case of a claim based on a victim’s serious bodily injury or death that resulted from a law enforcement officer’s use of force, as described above, would prohibit the board from denying an application based on certain circumstances, including the victim’s or other applicant’s involvement in the crime, except as specified, the victim’s failure to cooperate, or the contents of a police report, or the lack thereof. The bill, in the case of a claim based on a victim’s serious bodily injury or death as a result of a crime, would require the board to adopt guidelines that allow the board to rely on evidence other than a police report, as specified.


ACR 37: United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

This measure would recognize March 21, 2023, as the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, declare racism as a public health crisis, and make antiracist literature available to member offices for distribution to constituents. Adopted in the Assembly on March 23, 2023, and sent to the Senate.


SB 490: Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans.

Existing law establishes the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans, with a Special Consideration for African Americans Who are Descendants of Persons Enslaved in the United States (Task Force). Existing law requires the Task Force to submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature within one year of the first meeting of the Task Force, as prescribed. Existing law repeals these provisions on July 1, 2023. This bill would extend the operation of these provisions until July 1, 2024.


AB 452: Childhood sexual assault: statute of limitations. Current law provides some liberal timeframes for claiming damages due to sexual assault as a child (within 22 years of the date the victim attains the age of majority and prior to the age of 40). This bill would eliminate time limits for the commencement of actions for the recovery of damages suffered because of childhood sexual assault. The bill would specify that its provisions apply to any claim action arising on and after January 1, 2024.


AB 852Sentencing: bias.

Under existing law, a conviction or sentence is unlawfully imposed on the basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin if the defendant proves, among other things, that the defendant was charged or convicted of a more serious offense than defendants of other races, ethnicities, or national origins, or received a longer or more severe sentence, and the evidence establishes that the prosecution more frequently sought or obtained convictions for more serious offenses against people who share the defendant’s race, ethnicity, or national origin, as specified, or if a longer or more severe sentence was more frequently imposed on defendants of a particular race, ethnicity, or national origin, as specified.

This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to rectify racial bias, as specified. The bill would require courts, whenever they have discretion to determine a sentence, to consider the disparate impact on historically disenfranchised and system-impacted populations.


Reproductive Health Bills:  A new flood of Reproduction Health Bills in California are a part of the Abortion Lobby Wish list. There was a 17-bill package introduced mid-March 2023 that is part of a 45-policy list created by The California Future of Abortion Council. The CA FAB Council’s website features a list of all their recommended abortion policies and details whether they have been signed into law or are in progress in the state legislature. AB1646 would expand access to abortion and gender affirming care by allowing out of state medial school graduates to practice in California for up to 90 days. AB598 builds on comprehensive Sexual Health Education in the state. Under this bill, students would be given a physical or digital resource detailing local abortion resources. AB70 will create a public information campaign designed to offset any information that might discourage someone from seeking an abortion. Additionally wants restrictions on crisis pregnancy centers including prohibiting them from sharing information the state deems misleading or false and would bar any state funding from going to the pregnancy centers.


SB 12: California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: emissions limit. The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. Under the act, the state board is required to approve a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990 to be achieved by 2020 and to ensure that statewide greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to at least 40% below the 1990 level by no later than December 31, 2030. Under the act, a violation of a rule, regulation, order, emission limitation, emission reduction measure, or other measure adopted by the state board under the act is a crime. This bill instead would require the state board to ensure that statewide greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to at least 55% below the 1990 level by no later than December 31, 2030.


ACA 10: Fundamental human right to housing. The California Constitution enumerates various personal rights, including the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy. This measure would declare that the state recognizes the fundamental human right to adequate housing for everyone in California. The measure would make it the shared obligation of state and local jurisdictions to respect, protect, and fulfill this right, by all appropriate means. This requires a two-thirds vote of both houses to pass and then would be on the ballot in 2024.


AB 1078 Instructional Materials:  Removing Instructional Materials and Curriculum: Diversity. Commencing with the 2024-25 school year, the bill would require a local educational agency to receive approval from the state board and comply with any other applicable policies adopted by the state board before ceasing to teach any curriculum or removing any instructional materials. The bill states, “This bill would revise the list of culturally and racially diverse groups to instead include materials that accurately portray the contributions of people of all gender expressions and the role and contributions of LGBTQ+ Americans. The bill would also require that every instructional material adopted by a governing board include proportional and accurate representation of California’s diversity in the categories of race, gender socioeconomic status, religion and sexuality.” This bill is intended to remove any local school district and parent involvement on materials and curriculum and turn over direction to the California State Board.



  • California Attorney General Bonta participates in a multi-state coalition to urge the federal government to ensure robust access to Asylum for illegal immigrants. Bonta states that the current proposed federal rule (which of course has not been implemented), could potentially harm already vulnerable asylum seekers and the states that welcome them. He further states that, “offering protection to the vulnerable and those in need is a core American value and tradition.”  If you would like to read more about how California Attorney General Bonta’s plan to further destroy California and our country, you can subscribe to his newsletter.


  • Quotes from Caroline Wren, GOP Fundraiser/Consultant, “Democrats treat every election like a war, while Republicans treat it like a badminton match. The RNC must shift its focus to the grassroots level in order to compete with Democrats.” Caroline was a huge advocate for changing RNC leadership, removing Ronna McDaniel and replacing with Harmeet Dhillon.


  • Our last California Nuclear Power Plant, Diablo Canyon near San Clemente was scheduled to be decommissioned in 2025. Hit with reality, Newsom decided to postpone the shutdown (perhaps as it provides 9% of California’s Power). But it remains to be seen whether or not Newsom or the environmental lawsuits will prevail.  More details on this sad saga can be read at




  • Digital Health Passports: Have heard, but trying to verify, that passage of HR7900 The Defense Authorization Bill of 2023 has a provision on page 950 that relinquishes our sovereignty on “health emergencies/pandemics” to the bureaucracy at the W.H.O. We are one vote out of 194 member nations. Short of exiting the W.H.O., the U.S. has no recourse but to comply with this ONE WORLD ORDER.


  • California SBX1-2 passed at the end of March and immediately signed into law by Newsom. This will fine oil companies over price gouging. How will we know if there is price gouging? There is a newly established division of the California Energy Commission which is an “independent watch dog division” which includes a staff of investigators, market experts and economists. (more hires and more of your tax dollars). 


IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED: SPREAD THE WORD Petition for Signature – Call Representatives to Exit the W.H.O. 

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